Tag: Politics

  • Logic operator

    Logic operator

    A very strident political opinion is something Bert Ernie has never…

  • The cycle of life

    The cycle of life

    Every now and then Bert Ernie pulls a rabbit out of…

  • Kill tyrants

    Kill tyrants

    As a free thinking human Bert Ernie can say anything even…

  • Madman 3

    Madman 3

    This is a painting of Vladimir Putin. Putin is an absolute…

  • Madman 2

    Madman 2

    A portrait of Vladimir Putin. This digital abstract painting is after…

  • Madman 1

    Madman 1

    A madman went running for re-election. So here is a painting…

  • The interweb of Homo Sapiens

    The interweb of Homo Sapiens

    The internet was supposed to be a boon to humankind. Instead…

  • The return of Christ

    The return of Christ

    If Jesus Christ were to return today he would be horrified.…

  • Misinformation


    There are billions of fools on this planet. Mindless muppets who…

  • Dangerous dancers

    Dangerous dancers

    Bert Ernie is a wild man. He has done many wild…