Category: Abstract

  • Russian butcher

    Russian butcher

    A very intense abstract painting which deals with the Russian butcher…

  • Abandoned to the wolves

    Abandoned to the wolves

    The main intent behind this painting is to turn a nightmare…

  • King of ego

    King of ego

    This painting says one thing. Bert is shit hot as an…

  • Murdered with an axe – self portrait

    Murdered with an axe – self portrait

    A colorful semi-abstract painting with an axe cleaving its way through…

  • Greta Thunberg portrait as a butterfly

    Greta Thunberg portrait as a butterfly

    There are few people in the world that Bert admires as…

  • Celebrities at a party in Greensborough

    Celebrities at a party in Greensborough

    If you spend a bit of time looking over Bert’s oeuvre…

  • The king is a fink

    The king is a fink

    This is one of Bert’s best abstract paintings. This is an…

  • Bashed stabbed strangled and set on fire – self portrait

    Bashed stabbed strangled and set on fire – self portrait

    Bashed stabbed strangled and set on fire is an extremely intense…

  • The orgy

    The orgy

    Why not? Why would an artist not paint one of the…

  • The most beautiful woman that ever lived

    The most beautiful woman that ever lived

    Total freedom to paint an idea is what Bert seeks with…