SELF PORTRAIT 2002Bert’s first self portrait

Photorealism painting | Self portrait 2002
Bert thought he would have a crack at painting a self-portrait. One of the artists that he admires greatly was Rembrandt and he did a lot of self-portraits. It turned out to be quite difficult. Having a low resolution image to start with didn’t help and then there was his inexperience.
Dimensions: 60x80cm.
Painted: 2002.
Materials: Acrylic on MDF board.
Availability: Private collection.

The story behind Self portrait 2002

Bert Ernie painted his first self-portrait in 2002 from a very low-resolution image. The camera he had at the time was only capable of capturing a 640x480px image.

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Source image of photorealistic painting – Self portrait 2002

Photorealism painting | Self portrait 2002 | Source image

I am Bert Ernie.
I paint beauty and madness.