Realism painting | Newly made husband being told off
Realism painting | Newly made husband being told off

This drug-addicted co-worker never paid Bert for the painting – despite it taking 200+ hours to complete. What sort of cunts are these people?
Scum. Total fucking scum.

Dimensions: 136x92cm
Painted: 2010
Materials: Acrylic on MDF board
Private collection

The story behind Newly made husband being told off

This drug-addicted co-worker never paid Bert Ernie for the painting – despite it taking 200+ hours to complete.

The less said, the better. This is a commissioned portrait. I was asked by a co-worker to paint this particular image despite being told it wasn’t the right image. It’s obvious – it looks like the groom (Charlie Chum) has just been admonished for being a naughty boy.

After this incident, Bert Ernie will never do another commissioned piece of art again.

Source image of realism painting Newly made husband being told off

Realism painting | Newly made husband being told off | Source image
Realism painting | Newly made husband being told off | Source image
Realism painting | Newly made husband being told off | Source image
Realism painting | Newly made husband being told off | Source image

Detail views of realism painting Adam Mazzon