GILDEMEISTER DMC 160 FD DUOBLOCKA photorealist painting of a CNC machine tool

Photorealism painting | Gildemeister DMC 160 FD duoBLOCK
This is a simple still life painting technically. It’s part of a theme Bert has which concerns the photorealist painting genre. He is using a painting of a highly accurate machine which is programmable, powerful and very accurate to make that connection.
This painting is rather monochromatic and yet it doesn’t suffer for it.
Dimensions: 80x60cm.
Painted: 2010.
Materials: Acrylic on MDF board.
Availability: Private collection.

The story behind Gildemeister DMC 160 FD duoBLOCK

As a contemporary painter, Bert Ernie can deal with the art of the idea (conceptual art) and the visual (realist art). This painting is of a five-sided, five-axis machining center, more specifically a Gildemeister DMC 160 FD duoBLOCK.

Bert’s photorealistic paintings of CNC machines are created to communicate the ideas of power, accuracy, and perfectionism as well as celebrating cutting edge technology. The machine tool shown here is powerful, expensive, and considered to be the best in its class. Gildemeister (Gildemeister are now known as DMG MORI) is the world’s biggest manufacturer of machine tools and manufacture the highest quality CNC machinery in the industry.

There is also another metaphor to be understood by the viewer that might not be entirely clear. As the painting is of something that is widely considered to be ‘best in its class’ – by painting it, Bert is making a boastful claim that he is to be considered the best in class. Unfortunately, Bert hasn’t been successful in any way, shape, or form.

The Gildemeister DMC 160 FD duoBLOCK painting is easily one of Bert Ernie’s finest photorealist paintings. It works very well on the visual level as it has the depiction of highly geometrical metal surfaces which are rendered exceptionally accurately. It is also a painting which expresses the ideas of power, accuracy, quality, and capability, which are qualities Bert wants to be known for.

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Wall mockup view of photorealistic painting – Gildemeister DMC 160 FD duoBLOCK

Photorealism painting | Gildemeister DMC 160 FD duoBLOCK | Wall mockup

Source image of photorealistic painting – Gildemeister DMC 160 FD duoBLOCK

Photorealism painting | Gildemeister DMC 160 FD duoBLOCK | Source image

I am Bert Ernie.
I paint beauty and madness.