Digital abstract painting | The purple king of Greensborough
Digital abstract painting | The purple king of Greensborough

Mirror mirror on the wall – tell me I am the king. Tell me I am the most beautiful one of all.

After a few seconds the answer comes in a drunken voice – “No. You are a failed artist.”

Then the mirror burps loudly.

Dimensions: 6000px X 4000px
Painted: 2022

The story behind The purple king of Greensborough

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, am I the most beautiful, the most talented, the smartest of all?”

“No. You are not.” Look at the mirror and wait. Wait for a minute or more. My reflection is…..

Well, it is revealing. It is actually quite disturbing. I am as beautiful as a brick. As talented as a mop. And as smart as a TRS-80 computer.

“Mirror, mirror on the wall.”

“Hold it right there, buddy. All you are is the King of Greensborough. And a purple king at that!” the mirror replies.

How about that! I am truly magnificent. In front of the mirror.
And no Bert was not on drugs when I painted this. Seriously not on drugs. Just celebrating the joy of living in the moment.