A painter of beauty and madness

Bert Ernie is a lunatic 2

Bert Ernie is a lunatic 2But a nice one

Digital abstract painting | Bert Ernie is a lunatic 2
This painting is about us as a society. And Bert Ernie is a lunatic 2 is a painting about how Bert Ernie really isn’t like you lot in many ways.
Dimensions: 8334px X 12500px.
Painted: 2023.
Availability: Soon to be available.

The story behind Bert Ernie is a lunatic 2

Born on a planet in another galaxy is a dude called Bert. Bert Ernie actually. And no he has nothing to do with Sesame Street.

An ancient being of extraordinary wisdom and talent who in this current life-form plies his trade as a shoe cobbler.

Living amongst humans and observing their antics is an endless source of amusement to this rather odd-looking fellow from an alien world.

Most amusing of all is the insane need for people to feel that they belong. The most ridiculous behaviours that people will perform to just be acknowledged is televised nightly and Bert watches without fail.

Every little stupid act of theatre is sent out on countless platforms and watched by 99% of the people. And they mimic what they see. And never question what’s it all for.

Ultimately dying having performed nothing more than intricate and ritualised forms of dance and performance.

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I am Bert Ernie.
I paint beauty and madness.