Digital abstract painting | Alien warrior
Digital abstract painting | Alien warrior

Many years ago Bert Ernie painted a series of abstract paintings featuring brutal Aliens engaged in a fight. This Alien warrior digital artwork is a return to that same subject – violence and aliens.

Dimensions: 8334px X 12500px
Painted: 2023

The story behind Alien warrior

Large, darkly iridescent and resembling a two metre tall ant. Coming from a brutal alien culture which has risen to the top in a nearby galaxy.

And just like ants they build colonies, with the advanced space faring tech they have developed over the aeons.

Every new world discovered that has alien life is assessed carefully for its potential in providing combat sport. This is so the system of brutality and violence can be maintained.

With nothing more than clubs, knives, spears these alien warriors test their mettle against the alien planets wildlife. Victory is achieved regardless of the outcome; as long as everything is given.

The system weeds out the weak but is stagnant and never capable of evolving to a higher form.