Why not? Why would an artist not paint one of the most primal human behaviours. Why not paint a whole lot of people engaging in all manner of sexual activities.
I doubt that many people would understand the subject of this painting unless you told them. Bert often has an idea of the subject and/or scene and then creates the appropriate color palette for it.
As you would expect – the human skin tones form a great deal of said color palette.
Bert is not in the painting; he stood, at his easel, and painted the wild orgy scene.
Dimensions: 60x90cm
Painted: 2019
Materials: Acrylic on MDF board
Private collection
The story behind The orgy
Once a month, on a Saturday night, a small warehouse on the outskirts of Melbourne hosts a gathering. From the outside, it is just a steel frame clad with wooden boards; there are no windows and only one door.
From the inside, it is quite different. There is a polished oak bar serving drinks and luxurious looking food running down one side of the room; and a dozen modern stools in front. Most of the room is taken up with oddly shaped leather furniture – various couches and chairs designed to facilitate all manner of sexual positions. There are three sex swings suspended from solid beams in the roof. Finally, there is a massive bed in the center of the room. It would easily host a dozen people in all manner of activity.
It wouldn’t do it justice to merely write about what happened at this orgy of beautiful people the night that they allowed me to come and paint the wild scene. It is entirely up to the viewer to discover the various carnal activities which I have captured in my completely abstract expressionist style. But what the viewer can be assured of is that these people who were present at the orgy, were for a brief period, absolutely alive – every one of their senses heightened with pleasure. The thirty or so who attended were from the elite strata of society, the men and women were all perfect physical specimens – all were utterly beautiful.
Detail views of abstract painting The orgy